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Plastic vs Paper Straws – which is actually better for the environment?

We’ve all seen the heart-breaking images of plastic littering beautiful beaches, drifting through the sea and harming wildlife. It is estimated that there are over 150 million tonnes of plastic in the world’s oceans and every year one million birds and over 100,000 sea mammals die from eating and getting tangled in plastic waste [Source: DEFRA].

Plastic vs Paper Straws – which is actually better for the environment? Read More »


Four fun ways to teach children about how to save the environment

It is no secret that environmental threats are one of the leading concerns that our generation and future generations will face. And whilst governmental changes are already being put in place, what can we do ourselves to teach children about the importance of saving the environment? As a passionate zero to landfill waste company, we

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From Wheelie Bins to Bags And Sacks: How Can a Recycling Centre Improve Your Waste Disposal Habits?

Just like when you own your own home, when you run a business you have a responsibility to your community to be considerate of the impact your company has on the environment. Whether you run a restaurant, an office or a construction site, there’s no doubt that you will be producing a considerable amount of

From Wheelie Bins to Bags And Sacks: How Can a Recycling Centre Improve Your Waste Disposal Habits? Read More »


The Plastic Debate

Plastic pollution has become a major global disaster and as a result of our increased awareness of the crisis, we strive to reduce, reuse and of course recycle. We check if our plastic can be recycled, we wash it, carefully dispose of it… and that’s it, we’ve done our bit for the planet. Or have

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